If your project has generated carbon abatement you can apply for Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs). ACCUs are deposited to your Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU) account.

How to apply for ACCUs

To apply for ACCUs, you need to complete an ACCU project report and crediting form in Client Portal.

You will need to provide:

If your project has unfulfilled conditions about eligible interest holder consents or regulatory approval, ACCUs will not be issued.

Apply in Client Portal via Online Services

Processing times 

We assess applications for ACCUs against the eligibility requirements for your project's method.

We have up to 90 days to process crediting applications. Our average processing time is 6 weeks. Make sure you consider this when planning your project.

How we issue ACCUs

Once your claim is approved, we will send you an abatement statement. The statement includes how many ACCUs your project is entitled to receive for the reporting period.

Your ACCUs will be deposited into your ANREU account.

You can sell your ACCUs on the secondary market. You can also use them to meet obligations for other contracted projects you have.

If you have a carbon abatement contract, you can deliver ACCUs to the Australian Government and receive payment.